Saturday, June 27, 2009
Social Insurance
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Differences Between Insurance Education with The Education Savings
Basically, saving / insurance is good. that is essentially what we can produce as long as we are still productive, can also give us the opportunity to design the life of our financial future. Because I do not what may happen tomorrow.
Insurance education and the education savings have essentially the same function, that is an investment that are prepared to make special education costs later. To be on time for your children to school or university, you need not be more giddy-giddy thinking of the cost of adequate education.
Although it has the same goal, but the education of insurance and education savings accounts that have different characteristics. And to determine which is better, of course we need to see which one more suitable for your run. Insurance is the insurance plus educational investment for education, while the savings for investment education is education that is protected with insurance.
First, we will first study the education savings accounts. Education savings account is a savings account specifically designed in a bank where customers to periodically and automatically into an account that is given a certain time to be in accordance with the schedule of education school children.
Because the funds are locked, the bank will usually offer the investment is relatively higher than normal savings. The product is a combination of savings and deposits, savings accounts called deposit as done in stages and because such deposits are locked during the period of time.
Although the given time period, but parents can withdraw savings time before maturity. But of course the same as deposits, will be subject to penalties up to this. I suggest that this is not done except in an emergency.
In addition as a means of investment, education savings also comes with insurance. This means that if you as a breadwinner dies and can no longer save the cost of education for children, then the insurance will replace the savings deposit. Without the need to save more, the cost of education of children still met.
Both the insurance education. Because basically insurance products, life insurance more precisely, the insurance education is actually not much different with other life insurance products. That is a program that will give your family benefits if any risk of death. Benefit received is usually helping and investment results for the cost of education. However, if the risk of death does not occur, then the insurance will provide a number of educational scholarships that are not come other form of investment premiums that have been paid.
As insurance products, so of course this investment can not be disbursed at any time. This new investment can be diluted with two conditions. First, that is when it is mature, and the second is if there is a risk of death. Fall the time itself can be arranged and adapted to schedule children's education, to fit children to school, pas liquid money.
Usually results in the investment of insurance education is relatively higher compared to the savings in education. But insurance can not flexible savings, if it would stopped the way, have to wait about 3 years until there is cash value for made money. And usually, the process is more wind and take a longer time than the savings in education.
See the characteristics of both can be concluded that education is an investment savings short-term to medium, while education is an investment insurance periodically medium to long-term.
However, worries many people is how when we are by accident, while families are still dependent we become? What if no more revenue that we can save for them? Very dangerous if the savings routine that was specially prepared for lost they are forced by our own. Thus they can also end the need to continue the savings, because if not the goal to the good that they even threatened not materialize. Then, how the future of their next? So we can conclude that very need 1 (one) product which can be a solution where the overall :
1.We can save money with the goal of
2.If happen / accident / case that is not desired, savings are still safe, save where the goal will be achieved.
Which the question is then, where we get the program? Financial Institutions / Bank or Insurance Company? You can be yourself and find the right solutions that will benefit you want.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Tips Preparing Insurance Education
1. Start as early as possible. The faster you start, the small funds that have to be prepared. 2. Understand that the Insurance Education does not guarantee that sufficient funds available in the age when children enter school, the Education and Insurance guarantees the availability of funds in the amount of time there is good natural accident, death or critical illness of a parent Insured. Therefore jelly also choose the right insurance agent.
3. Calculating the education fund needs as much detail as possible. Know the detail needs education funding will help to know how much insurance fund for education that must be prepared.
4. Customize your profile with the profile that you want insurance you select. If you're the conservative type or the small risk of more traditional insurance compared with insurance unit link.If choose your insurance unit link then choose the allocation of funds for small or medium-risk.
5. See back of your insurance policy annually, to see if the appropriate target.
What is Education Insurance?
This insurance also serves as managing the investment and invested some of the premium you pay. Instead, the insurance company will provide a number of funds in the amount of the agreed policy and the time payment is also dijadwal policy to comply with the school children.
Accident Insurance
Guarantee complete protection, unless caused by:
1.Act / condition / action accidentally by policyholders and / or someone mentioned his name in the policy
2.Act / condition / action by the person who accidentally appointed as the recipient of the compensation policy
3.Insured at the time or capacity to act in the top command of the military, the obligation of the (police)
4.War, Reaction and Radio on the nuclear, civil upheaval, riot, revolution, insurrection or other similar activities
5.Intentionally commit a crime or to take part in the crime
6.Suicide or self-threatening act Insured
7.Act as a driver without a license or in the influence of alcohol and / or drugs
8.Contract a disease and / or in a state of spiritual and physical disability
Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunami
9.Treatment or operation, unless caused by the risk that policy is guaranteed
10.Perform sporting activities is dangerous
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Tips Choosing a Life Insurance and Health
Life Insurance and Health Insurance is required mainly for wiraswastawan and informal workers who do not have health insurance from a company or government agency.
I like a entrepreneur if the illness or disability due to accidents will be a lot of financial losses / must bear the financial cost for treatment and can not find work breadwinners. Like others, if someone working in a company or so civil servants, they usually get health insurance that will bear the cost if the pain and still be paid a monthly salary.
Prior to determine what insurance products, from insurance companies which I highly recommend to compare different products, some type of product insurance company. Do not hurry to purchase insurance products without understanding the details, with accurately-the rights and obligations if we participate in an insurance product.
Some tips from me to select insurance products :
- Determine what the benefits of protection that we need
- Find information products based on the needs of our insurance by collecting brochures from different companies or search for information on the website of insurance companies
- Ask an agent in more detail about the products are thoroughly detail the calculation of the allocation of the funds that we pay for what
- Do not be too confident with what the insurance agent, because they are not necessarily familiar with the correct products that they offer.
- Ask to be printing illustrated the benefits of insurance products, premiums must be paid and the allocation of the premium paid to any
- Learn the content of the illustrations in the house with a relaxed and carefully, do not rush to take the conclusion, ask to know more if there is not yet clear
- Compare products from various insurance companies, which are most useful with the most affordable premiums, but also find out info bonafid company whether or not
- Do not just BASED on the best credit insurance from a magazine, but you really need to know how the cost of insurance is
- Specify your choice of insurance products after all you really understand
- After setting and decided to buy an insurance product we will accept the insurance policy that contains a binding contract between the customer and the insurance companies, Learn more policy content, the customer usually within 14 days are given the opportunity to cancel the policy.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Engineering Insurance
Some Engineering Insurance can also guarantee Responsibility Law of the top third-party property damage or injury to the body with a specified limit.
Types of Insurance Engineering:
1. Construction Insurance
Guarantee the loss due to physical damage suffered by an Insured during the project work of civil engineering
2. Installation of Machinery Insurance
Ensure engine damage due to physical damage suffered during the implementation of a machine, other equipment
3. Engine Damage Insurance
Guarantee the loss due to physical damage to the property Insured machines
4. Insurance Equipment Electronics
Guarantee the loss due to physical damage to electronic equipment belonging to the Insured
5. Heavy Equipment Insurance
Changing Insured losses or damage to equipment during the period of insurance while operating or stop operating
Health insurance
Product insurance company held by both social insurance, life insurance companies, insurance companies and the public.
Some insurance companies and life insurance losses have also pro-market health insurance program with various different variants. However, in general, the insurance company's health insurance program organized in cooperation with the hospital provider either directly or through intermediary institutions as a network management assistant hospital.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Choosing a Car Insurance
Choosing a car insurance is not easy. Moreover, in the midst of a tight competition today. Almost all insurance companies have a product car insurance. Prospective customers choose to stay, which is eligible to take. Therefore below we provide some criteria in order not to select one:
1. Prospective customers should not be glued on the cheap premium rates. For, in the competition these days, many insurance companies that banting prices, offers affordable premium rates. While not necessarily a guarantee services.
2. See the package of insurance offered. For example, until the broad guarantee how much. For this guarantee must be knowledgeable in compliance with the desire and ability to prospective customers.
3. The network of insurance companies concerned. For example, how many have a branch office or how many partners have a workshop, so that such claims do not have to wait long in order to improve the vehicle or to report a missing vehicle.
4. Be asked first convenience, or value-added facilities that can be obtained when buying a policy in the company. For example, if there is a tow truck, car or hotline service, repair services, an ambulance car and so on. And, that is not less important are easy to make changes in the ease and ask questions.
5. Consider also bonafiditas company asuransinya. Do not have a claim to such, a workshop is not a partner. For, many insurance companies claim they are the best. When financial conditions are very severe.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Traditional Life Insurance Products
Life Insurance consists of different types of products that each have different benefits to meet the various needs and levels of ability that people also differ. Life insurance provided to individuals and groups and are given in various forms of policy. "Policy Life Insurance (Life Insurance Policy) is a policy where the policy is an insurance company promises to pay benefits upon the death of the insured / Insured." Here is an explanation of the three types of life insurance policy is primary :
1. Term Life Insurance, provides the death benefit if the Insured dies within a period of time.
2. Whole-Life Insurance, to provide insurance for life insurance for the Insured and also has a savings element.
3. Endowment Insurance, to provide policy benefits are paid at the time of the Insured dies or the date specified if the Insured is still living up to that date.
1. Term Life Insurance
Characteristics of Life Insurance Products Berjangka:
a) All products guaranty insurance measure providing for a period of time called the term policy (policy period).
b) Benefit policy can be paid only if:
- Insured died in a defined time period;
- Policy-still in force when the Insured dies.
c) If the Insured is alive until the end period of time, these policies can give the holder the right to continue the insurance policy for life insurance. If the holder does not continue the policy of insurance, the policy will expire and the insurance company is not obliged to give more responsibility.
d) life insurance protection measure is usually available in the form of insurance policy, but can be also available in the form of a rider (additional insurance) is added to the policy basically is.
2. Whole-Life Insurance
Characteristics of Life Insurance for life is:
a) Provide for life insurance to the Insured during the policy remains in-force.
b) Provide insurance and guarantee the savings in the form of cash value (cash value).
c) Provide for life insurance with level premium rate (fixed rate premium) that is not increased in line with the increasing age Insured.
d) Provide flexibility to the policy holders to change the contents of the policy is still valid.
e) the policy holder can use the cash value as collateral for the loan policy, and to attract funds from the policy cash value, if it is created.
Life Insurance for life is usually needed by the prospective policy holder who:
• Have the needs in preparing heritage
• Requires long-term financial protection
3. Endowment Insurance
Characteristics of Life Insurance is a dual-purpose:
a) Provide a certain amount of benefit if the Insured alive until the end of a period of insurance or died during the period of insurance.
b) Has the maturity date (maturity date), the date of payment of money by insurance companies to insurance policyholders if the Insured is alive.
c) Can the cash value more quickly.
d) the premium rate is usually fixed.
Life Insurance dual-purpose usually required by the policies of candidates:
• Want to prepare for pension fund
• Want to make a long-term savings
• Want to prepare for children's education fund
Difference of Insurance Sharia and Insurance Conventional
Basic concept of insurance is helping sharia in goodness and piety. Concept as a basis that is applied in every business transaction agreement existed in helping that make all the participants as a large family of bear one another in the face of risk, which we know as the sharing of risk.
In conventional insurance, insurance is a transfer of risk, namely the transfer of risk from the participant / Insured to the company / underwriter also occur so that transfer of the fund transfer of funds from the Insured to the insurer. As a consequence they also move funds ownership, the funds become the property insurance company.
Some of the differences with the sharia insurance conventional insurance, are as follows:
1. Contract (Agreement)
Every business transaction agreement between the parties must clearly do so by law or non-legal activities to ease the way business is now and the future. Akad (contract) in practice becomes the basis of determining valid or not a transaction of the sharia. This is very much determined to be in the insurance practice sharia. Contract between the company must be clear with the participants, using the sale and purchase contract or helping .
In conventional insurance, contract is based on the tadabuli contract or sale and purchase agreement. Terms legality of a sale and purchase agreement is based on the seller, buyer, price, and goods that diperjual sale. Meanwhile in the agreement applied only in the conventional insurance requirements of the seller, buyer and the goods diperjual sale. While for the price can not be described in quantity, the amount of premiums paid by participants utnuk insurance get some insurance money. Because only God knows that when we die. The Company will pay the money pertanggunggan accordance with the agreement, but the amount of premium akan akan disetorkan by the participants did not clearly depend on age. If you lengthen the age of the participant companies will be hit but when a new one be dead then pay the company akan loss. Thus, according to Sharia views disability occurs because vagueness in terms of how much that will be paid by policyholders (saving on the product) or how much the policy holder will receive (in the non-saving products).
2. Gharar (vagueness)
Gharar / vagueness that occurs in conventional insurance, because of the absence of a time premium payment based on age Insured, while we agree that the age a person is in the hands of the Almighty. If a new pay be Insured dies, the company will indemnify the Insured while the fate of the materials feel. If the Insured lengthen age, and fortunately the company akan Insured feel the financial loss. In other words, both parties do not know how long each party to run the transaction. Vagueness of the period of payment and the amount of payment resulted in an incomplete contract basis, which we know as gharar. The scholars argued that the sale and purchase agreement is legally disabled.
Insurance contract at the sharia tadabuli replaced with contract takafuli, that is a mutual intention to help a fellow participant if there be that find natural. This mechanism is considered by most scholars of the survivors.
In the conventional contract of insurance funds into the property insurance company (transfer of fund). Meanwhile, in the syariah insurance, the funds collected is the property of the participant and the insurance company sharia can not claim to be the property of the company.
3. Tabarru and Savings
Tabarru which means that donations or charity. People who donate called mutabarri (generous). Intention bertabbaru intend to provide good funding outright for the purpose of mutual help to each other fellow participants sharia insurance, when there are of them that get natural. Therefore tabarru funds saved in a special account. If there is a are a, a claim that the funds from the account given is tabarru already diniatkan by fellow participants to help each other.
For life insurance products that contain elements of sharia saving the funds that dititipkan participants (premium) in addition to consisting of elements from tabarru funds there are also elements of the savings fund of funds used as investment by the company. While investments in insurance losses using sharia funds tabarru as there is no saving element. Results from the investment will be distributed to participants in accordance with the contract early. If the participant then pull out the funds of savings and results will be returned to participants in full.
4. Flysoul
In the case of usury, all conventional insurance funds invested with the interest, which means it is always involved in usury. This is also done so during the calculation to the participants, with the profits made in the future. Conventional investment insurance to the government regulations that investment must be done on the type of investment that is safe and profitable and have the liquidity in accordance with the obligations that must be fulfilled. All types of investment stipulated in government regulations based on the interest. Sharia insurance save money in the bank-based system with Sharia concept